The show season 2019-2020
BEST KITTEN on the YEAR 2020 GJCH, UW Artemisiacat ALEX Silve Tabby & White American SH male |
4 BEST CAT on the YEAR 2020 Artemisiacat CARDINAL Silver tabby ASH male |
The show season 2018-2019
CH Artemisiacat BLACK FRIDAY BLACK American SH female
CH CFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat MILKA Brown Tabby & White American SH female |
CH CFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat ZLATA Brown Tabby American SH female |
GC CFA Artemisia Tomas of Lamagiechat Silver Tabby American SH male
CH CFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat URSULA Silver Tabby American SH female |
CH CFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat BEAR Brown Tabby American SH male |
CH CFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat ALAN Brown Tabby American SH male
GPR CFA Artemisiacat OBI Silver tabby ASH female-spay |
СFA and RUI Show season 2017-2018 г
GP CFA Artemisiacat Astra Silver tabby ASH female
RW Artemisiacat Tallulah of Mowgleaves TICA`s - 25 Best kitten Thank you so mach ovner Steven Meserve, England, cattery Mowgleaves Silver Tabby American SH female
GP СFA & GP RW RUI Artemisiacat Jam Apricot RUI`s - 5 Cat Premior on the Year 2018 Cameo Tabby American SH male
GC DW Artemisiacat Hasky of Bhinneka 10th best cat in Indonesia Silver Tabby American SH male, owner Jimmy Bhinneka, cattery "Bhinneka", Indonesia)
CH СFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat Bonny American SH Silver tabby female
CH СFA & CH RUIArtemisiacat Arma
American SH Brown tabby female
CH СFA & CH RUI Artemisiacat Vesta
American SH Silver tabby female
The CFA and RUI show season 2016-2017
Our first DM !!! GC RW CFA & ECH BW RW, DM RUI Carocats Wilson of Artemisiacat |
GC Artemisiacat Jasper Silver Tabby& White American SH male CFA`s 2nd Best of Breed - Region 9, Best of Color Class- Region 9 ------------------------------ BEST CAT on the YEAR 2017 RUI RUI`s GC, BW, RW Best of Breed |
GC Artemisiacat Jam Apricot Cameo Tabby American SH male NEW GC CFA, Best of Color Class- Region 9 ------------------------- 2 BEST CAT on the YEAR 2017 GC RW RUI, 2nd Best of Breed |
GP Artemisiacat Harry Silver Tabby American SH male NEW GP CFA, RUI`s -EPR , 4 Cat Premior on the Year 2017
Gold Bastet Calipso of Artemisiacat Silver tabby & White American Shorthair female CFA -CH RUI`s- ICH, RW
Artemisiacat Roni Silver Tabby American Shorthair female CFA-CH RUI- GICH, 17 Best Kitten on the Year 2017
Artemisiacat Pepsi Brown Patched Tabby American SH female CFA-CH RUI- ECH
GC Artemisiacat Oberon
GC Artemisiacat Inzyr NEW GC CFA
GC DW Artemisiacat El Bruno of Bhinneka Brown Tabby American SH male владелец Jimmy Bhinneka GC DW CFA CFA's 2nd Best of Breed International Division for 2017! Best Championship Cat in Indonesia. Best Shorthair cat in Indonesia.
GC Artemisiacat Hasky of Bhinneka Silver Tabby American SH male, владелец Jimmy Bhinneka) NEW GC CFA
The CFA and RUI show season 2015-2016
Artemisiacat Inzyr (owner Людмила Матиас) 2 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s Regional Winner, |
Artemisiacat El Bruno (owner Jimmy Bhinneka) GC CFA
Artemisiacat Gala (owner Jimmy Bhinneka) GC CFA |
Artemisiacat Jasper GC CFA 4 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s 12 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA BEST of BREED RUI`s , Regional Winner, GICH RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Jam Apricot CH (grandpointed CFA 13 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA 2 BEST of BREED RUI`s , Regional Winner, ECH RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Naomi 20 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Astra GC CFA
Artemisiacat Fanta 21 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA ECH RUI`s CH CFA |
GPR Artemisiacat Chiquita Bella |
Artemisiacat Emmy of Dicxiland (owner Serge Atlan) CH CFA TICA'S 2015-2016 Suprem Grand CHAMPION |
The show season 2014-2015
Artemisiacat El Bruno CH (grandpointed) CFA 7 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA Breed Winner RUI`s , Regional Winner RUI`s, ICH RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Torry GC CFA Regional Winner, 2rd BEST of BREED RUI`s ECH RUI`s 9 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA |
CH CFA & GICH RUI LYNZLATS FleurDeLis of ARTEMISIACAT Brown Patced Tabby & White female
Artemisiacat Astra CH (grandpointed) CFA 13 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA Regional Winner, 3rd BEST of BREED RUI`s ECH RUI`s |
The show season 2013-2014
Artemisiacat She`s A Lady of Carocats CH CFA (grandpointed) Regional WINNER BEST KITTEN AB Top 100 Kittens all breds 2013-2014 |
Artemisiacat Torry Regional WINNER 2 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
Artemisiacat SilverBoy Regional WINNER 5 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Astra Regional WINNER 12 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
Artemisiacat Lilycat CH CFA 17 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI`s |
The show season 2012-2013
Carocats Wilson of Artemisiacat Grand Champion CFA in 2 show (only 9m) 24th Best Kitten-International, Regional Winner CFA`s 9 Best kitten- NASC (NATIONAL AM SH CLUB) CFA`s 2ND BEST of COLOR CLASS -International CFA`s ECH, BW, RW RUI ICFA 4 BEST Cat AB Top 100 cats all Breeds RUI`s 5 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
Schooner`s Tigerlily of Artemisiacat Grand Champion CFA in 1 show (1y) 3rd BEST of BREED- International (CFA) BEST of COLOR CLASS- International (CFA) ECH, UW RUI ICFA 2rd BEST of BREED RUI ICFA 16 BEST Cat Top AB 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA |
SCHOONER'S PRINCESS SELA of Artemisiacat ECH, UW RUI ICFA 3rd BEST of BREED RUI ICFA 19 BEST Cat AB Top 100 Cats all breeds RUI ICFA |
Artemisiacat Jolie Angelina CH CFA ICH, UW RUI ICFA 4 BEST Kitten AB Top 100 Kittens All Breeds RUI`s |
The show season 2011-2012
Ironforge Silver Salute of Artemisiacat GC BW UW (RUI ICFA) 8 Best Cat AB ( Top 100 cats All breed) |
The show season 2010-2011
Ironforge Silver Salute of Artemisiacat GC BW UW (RUI ICFA) 6 Best Cat AB ( Top 100 All breed) GC CFA |